I remember the first time I tried drawing Wolverine...soooo long ago! I think what really did it for me was the fact that I couldn't draw Wolvie's mask! Especially those absurd ears! At an early age I kept thinking there must have been some formula, some guideline to drawing this guy's weirdo mask. But the more I drew him the more i understood his costume...and it helped that Marvel sent me a 3 view of our favorite canucklehead.As for his claws, I 'm not too fond of the mini-samurai sword style. And neither his curved claws. I like a little combination of both. I found Wolvies claws as shown in the X-Movies were perfect. And the sound?! What the heck is Snikt?! I thought the X-films had Wolvie's claw sound effects just right. When I read that his claws go "Snikt"...it's not doing them justice. Just food for thought.PRINT THIS PAGE[via]